Study Skills Workshops

Currently hosting sessions covering Mid-Term Reality Check w/ TRiO SSS, Study Buddy: Using AI as a Study Tool, Good Vibes: Wellness and Stress Management , Let's Study Together: Study Groups 101, Due Today ≠ Do Today: Avoid Procrastination , Roadmap to Mastery: Study Guides, Take Control of Your Semester: Time Management, Final Exam Prep, Back to Basics: Effective Note-Taking, Communicating with your Professor, Chemistry Conquerors: Mastering the Elements of Success, Ace My Tests: Test-Taking Skills, College Survival 101 w/ TRiO SSS, Study Smarter, and Not Harder: General Study Skills.

Mid-Term Reality Check w/ TRiO SSS, Study Buddy: Using AI as a Study Tool, Good Vibes: Wellness and Stress Management , Let's Study Together: Study Groups 101, Due Today ≠ Do Today: Avoid Procrastination , Roadmap to Mastery: Study Guides, Take Control of Your Semester: Time Management, Final Exam Prep, Back to Basics: Effective Note-Taking, Communicating with your Professor, Chemistry Conquerors: Mastering the Elements of Success, Ace My Tests: Test-Taking Skills, College Survival 101 w/ TRiO SSS, Study Smarter, Not Harder: General Study Skills

Let's Study Together

Study Groups 101

FEB 19


11:00 AM

Roadmap to Mastery

Study Guides

FEB 25


11:30 AM

Mid-Term Reality Check w/ TRiO SSS

FEB 26


11:00 AM